Last night Laura and I went to see "August: Osage county", a drama on broadway (talk about DRAMATIC), and in the Playbill was this SUCKY AD for Macy's:

I think it's supposed to be an ad for colorful clothing, but instead, we get a woman dressed in black and white, and the only COLOR to be found aside from the red slogan is the WOMAN'S COLOR!!
So, Macy's are you telling me to welcome back COLORED PEOPLE? Is this an OBAMA thing? Maybe a new policy at Macy's- "We at Macy's now allow colored people- Welcome Back Color!"
Wow Macy's- You get the award for a SUCKY AD!!
Back from where? Did Macy's used to have an spin-off brand of stores for the Afro-American market during segregation or something? What a bunch of dumb-a$$es....